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Winning Construction Industry Tenders


Capital Works Consulting offering

Capital Works Consulting develops tender strategies and tender documents for consultants and contractors in the construction industry.

Discussion and Approach – Winning Tenders

Capital Works Consulting employs a sophisticated approach to tender strategy and development. The aim of the tender response is to achieve the highest technical value score with the project history and resources available to the tenderer.

Developing a tender strategy should not be separated from developing a delivery strategy. Winning a tender on a high technical score and not simply price requires developing a solution which resonates strongly with the client. Capital Works Consulting works with companies to develop both strategy and content to achieve the outcomes below.
Clients proceed into a procurement with their own concerns and perceived risks about a project that are not always accurately described in the statement of requirements.

As an example, these issues can include the minimisation of disruption to ongoing operation, and client understanding and involvement in the testing and commissioning process. What is important is that the tenderer demonstrates an understanding of these issues even if the client does not define them clearly.

This insight will provide the clients assessing the tenders confidence that the tenderer has really understood what the client wants from the project. The process Capital Works Consulting recommends is shown in the flowchart below:

Why Select Capital Works Consulting to Support tender Strategy and Development?

Capital Works Consulting has extensive experience in both sides of tendering – developing and assessing tenders. The experience Capital Works Consulting has gained from being involved in both roles in construction supply chain procurement is invaluable in advising the consultants and contractors how to develop winning tenders. Capital Works Consulting is actively involved at senior roles in the construction industry holds key roles on major construction projects and has an excellent understanding of all elements of the construction industry supply chain.

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